Servicio de mantenimiento programado
Como cualquier vehículo, tu Opel necesita un mantenimiento regular para mantener su eficacia y su valor. Sólo los puntos de servicio autorizados Opel conocen a fondo la tecnología de tu vehículo, disponen de herramientas específicas y del más avanzado equipo de diagnóstico por ordenador, para asegurar una reparación de alta calidad a un precio justo.
Te recomendamos realizar el Servicio de mantenimiento programado del coche una vez al año o cada 10.000 kilómetros. Dependiendo del mantenimiento a realizar, se efectúa la revisión de los siguientes puntos:
- Diagnóstico de los calculadores
- Actualización indicador de mantenimiento
- Control sistema eléctrico
- Cambio aceite motor y filtro de aceite
- Controles visuales del carro
- Control sistema de frenos
- Control nivel de los diferentes líquidos
- Cambio filtro de aire, gasolina, habitáculo, bujías (si aplica)
- Cambio correa de distribución, correa de accesorios (si aplica)
- Cambio de filtro de habitáculo (si aplica).
- Alineación y balanceo.
Expert service inspections
Keep your Opel vehicle in peak condition with the help of our service expert.
He knows your vehicle's technology best and is equipped with the latest tooling to ensure high quality repair for a fair price. Visiting an authorized repairer at least once a year raises the resale value.
He knows your vehicle's technology best and is equipped with the latest tooling to ensure high quality repair for a fair price. Visiting an authorized repairer at least once a year raises the resale value.
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Be aware of what is happening to your vehicle, while it is being serviced!
- Receive real-time updates of your vehicle’s servicing status via E-mail or SMS
- View videos and photos of discovered findings
- Approve or decline repairs of findings online
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Vehicle health check
With up to 10,000 parts cars are quite complex. In only 12 minutes we perform a visual check all around your vehicle for safety and reliability.
The vehicle health check is free of charge and provides an immediate full status report of your Opel.
The vehicle health check is free of charge and provides an immediate full status report of your Opel.
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An MOT, or Ministry of Transportation test, is an annual inspection that tests your vehicle's safety and exhaust emissions to ensure it's roadworthy.
Your Opel authorized repairer will prepare your Opel for the MOT upfront.
Your Opel authorized repairer will prepare your Opel for the MOT upfront.
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